Antiques and their stories.

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  • Posted by kindle

I have written several times in this column about why I like antiques. The longevity of items, the craftsmanship, the beauty of them, the stability. The stories they tell. I am reminded every day that there are large groups of people who don’t like antiques. I hear things like “Who wants that old stuff?” “It’s […]

eBay – Easy as one, two, thr…um, wait a minute….

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  • Posted by kindle

As the owner of an antique store, people often bring me items that they think I would like to purchase for my inventory. I quote the best price I can, based on condition, desirability, what I think I can sell it for, and also my experience. Many times, people will tell me they can sell […]

Choosy mothers choose Jif©

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  • Posted by kindle

Choosy moms choose Jif© – Remember that commercial? The basic takeaway was that if you didn’t buy your kids Jif Peanut Butter, you were a lousy mom who cared not for their kids. I am sort of like the “Choosy mom” in that I am picky and care about what I put into my antique […]

We had “The Right Stuff” for the show.

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  • Posted by kindle

I am always amazed at the wonderful things that have happened in my life since moving to the Space Coast in 2006. I have been honored with the task of running and working with several different non-profits, I’ve had photos and columns published in several different magazines and newspapers, I have come to own a […]

Grading antiques and collectibles – How much is this worth?

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  • Posted by kindle

What makes something valuable? What makes an item valuable is a difficult question to answer simply as there are many things that factor into what makes one item more valuable than another. Let’s see if we can make some sense out of this. Scarcity – Simply put, how many did they produce and how many […]

When it’s time to let go. How to part with a collection.

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  • Posted by kindle

People collect all manner of items. From the small to large, from the inane to the sublime, people’s passions for things run deep. I have run into people who collect playing cards, zippo lighters, Pez dispensers, fire fighting gear, thimbles, Beany Babies, snowmen, comic books, advertising, magazines, salt & pepper shakers, tractors, porcelain signs, cars […]

Antique malls are not in the business of antiques…

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  • Posted by kindle

Antique malls are not in the business of antiques. Okay, let that sink in. Wait, what are you saying? What I said was antique malls are not in the antiques business. How can you say that Ed? I go to one all the time and it is jammed with antiques. Yes, but let me explain. […]

Collect something? There’s a club for that!

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  • Posted by kindle

There are a myriad of things to collect. If someone made more than one of an item, you can bet there is a collection of them somewhere. I myself have about 5 different collections going at any one time, much to the chagrin of my family members. My children are especially hopeful that I dispose […]

Dimitri Berea – “Flowers on the Veranda” (Circa 1974) Serigraph

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  • Posted by kindle

As a general rule I don’t usually frequent thrift type stores searching for inventory. That being said, I will occasionally visit one in search of music CDs and the odd item for myself. On these rare occasions, sometimes I will spot something that speaks to me, and if I like it enough, I will purchase […]

People ask me all the time why I like antiques…

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  • Posted by kindle

It is usually a many faceted answer. Today I found out that to order a replacement carafe for my coffee maker was more expensive than buying an entirely new coffee maker. So out the old one went. I mean, I am saving money, right? Helping people keep their jobs? Well yes and no. In my […]