Collecting, a not for profit enterprise…

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  • Posted by kindle

I collect many things. Foo Dogs, Glass Angelfish, Vinyl Albums, Nikon equipment. The list seems to get longer all the time. One thing I don’t seem able to collect by collecting all this stuff is dollars. I collect it because I love it, not for investment. My advice to prospective collectors boils down to this. […]

Risky Business

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  • Posted by kindle

Sometimes a benign hobby such as collecting antiques can be a risky business. Just how in the world can that be? Easy. There are several types of antiques and collectibles that unless you are an expert, they might just be best to avoid. Some items can get their owner into serious hot water with any […]

Selling antiques & collectibles in a brick & mortar store -VS- online

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  • Posted by kindle

The difference between selling antiques and collectibles online, and selling them in a brick and mortar store are as numerous as there are types of items to sell. Let’s compare and contrast the two types of selling experiences. There are some fundamental differences between online and in person sales, and then there are categories that […]

Joep Nicolas – Stained Glass

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  • Posted by kindle

Joep Nicolas (1897-1972), a third-generation stained-glass artist, was born in the Netherlands. In 1855, his grandfather, Frans Nicolas (1826-1894), established the Nicolas Studio in Roermond, Holland in order to meet the building boom following that country’s restoration of the Catholic Church. A window by Frans Nicolas can be seen in Philadelphia’s Samuel S. Fleischer Art […]

April 9th is National Cherish an Antique day

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  • Posted by kindle

In today’s throwaway massed produced society where we measure the lifespan of items in days, weeks, months and occasionally years, I like to remember our past.  A past when there were different values and things were made to last decades or even centuries. In the past, there were different measures for items. Quality, craftsmanship & […]

New old stock and salesman’s samples

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  • Posted by kindle

If you are an antique shopper, or maybe even just an “antiques looker”, you may have seen items in stores labeled New old stock or salesman’s sample and wondered just what these labels meant. New old stock means simply that. Merchandise that is offered for sale, that, for whatever reason, was never sold at retail […]

Collecting Antique Toys – A blast from the past.

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  • Posted by kindle

As we get older, nothing connects us to our youth like finding something in an antique store or marketplace that we owned when we were younger and nothing does this with more raw emotion than toys. Toys can instantly bring back vivid memories and take us back to our carefree days of imagination when everything […]