Union Station – Erie, PA

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  • Posted by kindle

Another iconic building in Erie that I grew up being fascinated with along side the Koehler Building was the Union Station located on 14th Street between Peach and Sassafras Streets. It is an Art Deco brick structure that was dedicated in 1927. The building is a combination of brick, and sandstone, with terracotta trim and […]

Winchester Model 94

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  • Posted by kindle

My father was a hunter in his younger years and was also moderately avid in the hobby of firearms. I remember melting lead with him to cast bullets and I can still see him at the shotgun press reloading shotshells. Dad didn’t have a large collection, but everything in it was of quality. He took […]

Timing is everything…

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  • Posted by kindle

I have done many things in my near 60 years on this planet. I have had many different jobs, been involved in many different organizations and owned several different businesses. One of the keys to this for me has always been timing. What I mean is that for me, the easier something came together, the […]

Reading List

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  • Posted by kindle

I decided to take a break from writing about antique related items and situations and try something new. When I am not at the store, and have some free time, I read. When I was young, and owned my bookstore, it was science fiction and classics. As I have gotten older, I find that I […]

Home Security

  • Date:
  • Posted by kindle

In the past I have written about staying safe while selling items online. For this column I will be talking about home security. Wait, what? Home security? How does this apply to an article about antiques? Well, I will tell you. Folks who collect antiques and other items spend large amounts of money to purchase […]

How to stay safe when selling items online

  • Date:
  • Posted by kindle

We all accumulate too much stuff. Sometimes when you do, the need arises to sell some of it. Well just how do you do that, what’s the best way, and how do you stay safe while doing it? There are several ways to find new homes for your accumulated treasures. If your items are antiques […]

You found what in the closet?!?!

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  • Posted by kindle

As time marches onward, we are experiencing the loss of more of “The Greatest Generation” each year. Many of these individuals were veterans who served this country proudly and have an amazing storied history to tell of their travels and the battles in which they waged war to secure and preserve the freedoms which we […]

What’s your best price?

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  • Posted by kindle

There are as many different pricing structures as there are different types of retail stores. I don’t think there is any right answer. You must find either an industry standard or just use what works for you. Some examples of industry standards would be, jewelry can be marked up to 800%, clothing to 500%, white […]

What’s it worth?

  • Date:
  • Posted by kindle

I am moving my blog posts/articles from our store’s site to this one in order to preserve them for future viewing. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.   A question that I continually have to deal with in the antique business is “what’s it worth?” It is a […]