Identifying Antiques

  • Date:
  • Posted by kindle

I am not an expert in anything. I have however been around a fair amount of time and have learned a few things. In fact, I am still learning everyday in this business.. In the world of antiques and collectibles, I get asked a question a lot. “How do I know it’s real?” There are […]

Categories and definitions

  • Date:
  • Posted by kindle

I am moving my blog posts/articles from our store’s site to this one in order to preserve them for future viewing. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.   Welcome to Five Katz Antiques blog. For my first blog entry, I wanted to put forth the most common definitions […]

Five Katz Antiques Blog Posts

  • Date:
  • Posted by kindle

Five Katz Antiques was opened June 15th, 2015, and closed on June 18th, 2022. We celebrated our 7th anniversary just prior to our closing. It was a 1000 square foot retail store featuring antiques, oddities and vintage items as well as a variety of new items including vinyl records, Case knives, Fisher Price, Tonka and […]

The Pillsbury Doughboy

  • Date:
  • Posted by k1ndl3

A long time ago while working in the photography store, A customer and I were chatting, and they happened to have photos of a Santa sleigh with flamingos and a large Pillsbury Doughboy Styrofoam figure in it. I asked what the story behind this was, and they said someone in the neighborhood had the doughboy […]

Computers, software & technology & why I hate ’em

  • Date:
  • Posted by kindle

For this column, I thought I would take the space and talk about one of the bane’s of my existence: computers. I know some of you just love computers and what they do. I get it. I do. Because I used to be that way. I used to source my own parts and build my […]

Lost Childhoods

  • Date:
  • Posted by kindle

The toys you lost, the toys mom gave away, the toys that broke, that went missing. Our lost youth. The feeling of nostalgia that hits you like a truck out of nowhere when you come across a toy you had in your youth. Whatever it was, it takes you back instantly, even if you had […]

The Koehler Brewery

  • Date:
  • Posted by kindle

Growing up in Erie, Pennsylvania, few buildings were as iconic as the former Koehler Brewery – Erie Brewing Company’s buildings. The brewery closed in 1978 after a 90 year production run. First built on the site in 1855 subsequent additions took place over the years. Jackson Koehler started brewing in 1890 and his beers were […]

Eastern State Penitentiary

  • Date:
  • Posted by kindle

In 2003 We took a trip to Philadelphia and while there I spent a day photographing  Eastern State Penitentiary. It was a prison built by the Quakers that in it’s time was well outside the city limits and quite advanced in its construction. Opened in 1829, it was the first prison in the United States […]

Being tracked in daily life

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  • Posted by kindle

I love frustrating people sometimes… In this day and age of social media, tracking aps, data tracking, phishing emails and text messages, search engine tracking, targeted advertising, mailing list sales, location tracking and not to mention cameras absolutely everywhere, I do my best to stay off everyone’s radar. I have to tell you it’s not […]

Dear Gene

  • Date:
  • Posted by kindle

Gene Rodenberry C/O Heaven or eternity And somewhere in orbit   Dear Gene, I hope this letter finds you well , wherever your soul has chosen to rest. Whatever ethereal plane you are on I hope you are enjoying the future you so eagerly thought of and sought for all of us. Alas, only small […]